Show Basic Info instead of Recent Activity on profile page

On a users profile page, I'd like the default view to show 'Basic Info' instead of the recent activity timeline. I'd like recent activity to be a menu option - basically, swap the two views about.
Can anyone advise me how to do this? I've been pouring over config files ect, but cannot find any setting that sets the default ajax content on a profile page.
Any help would be appreciated
BrianD Basic on 08/05/19 at 07:29 in mooSocial features
2 Answer(s)
It's a bit hard to guide you how to do that. We need to changes at some files. Please submit a custom request to
Mark Gold badges on 08/06/19 at 02:39

BrianD Basic

Lol, nothing worth doing is ever easy.
on 08/11/19 at 02:49
Related to this, I would prefer not to show the 'Album Photos' block above the recent activity feed on a users profile page - locating where this is controlled from has got me beat so far - any help on this would be much appreciated....
BrianD Basic on 08/11/19 at 03:16
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