How can I perform style updates in the Android app?

I just want to tweak some of the UI styles in the Android application.
I've attempted making some changes to the JS/JSX located here:
  • /app/webroot/moo_app/js
  • /app/Plugin/MooApp/webroot/js/src/views/
I've cleared the global cache after doing so, but no changes are taking effect... so there's gotta be a cache or something in play that I'm missing.
Any pointers?
scotchgypsy Basic on 11/24/20 at 11:37 in Android app
1 Answer(s)
Best answer
After changing the code , you need to rebuild the bundle . To do it , you need install npm . 
  1. In case your npm is ready  , open your terminal (or console base on your OS) and go to /app/Plugin/MooApp/webroot then run the command "npm install".
  2. Waiting about a minute then run the command "npm run build".
  3. Once it is done processing, it will appear in the directory /app/webroot/moo_app/js and you can upload all file to your web server. 
Note that if you work on your server instead of your pc  , you can skip step 3.
Duy Duy (mooTechnicalTeam) Basic on 11/26/20 at 23:32
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