Events Near Me & Access for Guests?

Is there a way for a user to search for "Events Near Me" (assuming Google Location / Maps etc is enabled).

Also, is there a way to allow an otherwise locked down system, to show the event content to a guest if someone receives an event link?

Both of these features would be awesome - as knowing about an event several counties (or states) away would just be "cluttering up" the page for most people.

Great plugin, but would awesome if we could search by location AND allow non-users to see the event (sent via a link).
Guy Tibbert Basic on 08/03/22 at 11:09 in mooSocial plugins
1 Answer(s)
Is there a way for a user to search for "Events Near Me" (assuming Google Location / Maps etc is enabled). -> Not possible in the current version but we will do this at next coming version. 
Also, is there a way to allow an otherwise locked down system, to show the event content to a guest if someone receives an event link? -> have to customize the event plugin. 
Mark Gold badges on 08/03/22 at 22:44
Good news as for the "Events Near Me", I think it will make the plugin much more useful for most folks.

As for the second thought, never mind, they were just ideas. I thought it would have been useful for folks to be able to promote their event (and the platform) with a link that would work for friends even if they were not yet members.

Thank you for considering the "Events Near Me" part though
on 08/08/22 at 17:06
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