How to Edit The User Menu

I would like to find out how to edit the sidebar menu "user menu", I need to change the link "Invite friends" so that it goes to the friends inviter plugin and not the default "invite friends".

Shane Maguire Basic on 11/14/16 at 12:51 in Other
4 Answer(s)
Best answer
You can edit it in file "app\View\Home\index.ctp"
Tung Vu Basic on 11/15/16 at 10:31
"You can edit it in file "app\View\Home\index.ctp" "

good answer, just had a play around, even as a non-prog, it's easy to read the code
on 03/11/19 at 13:54
Good question
AP Basic on 11/14/16 at 14:26
Anyone have an answer for this?
Shane Maguire Basic on 11/15/16 at 02:20
i think Tung Vu was trying to tell you to go to your cpanel and effect the changes you want
Nikita Erukunuakpor Basic on 01/13/18 at 17:11
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