Locking out users until they are approved

We need to have users locked out of the site until they have been approved by the site's admin, as of now when someone signs up they can enter the site were they are still able to view certain areas and links only meant for approved users.
Is there a way to do this or if not is there a way to have it so a person who just signed up is redirected to a thank you page with some info on what to do next?
BRIAN SUPPLE Basic on 11/23/16 at 11:17 in mooSocial features
2 Answer(s)
Hi Brian,
it might be better adding this to the feature request topic section of the site. In my experience this area isn't used very much.
Tom D Basic on 11/23/16 at 15:38
all ready added this improvement in to next version. Thanks.
Mark Gold badges on 11/23/16 at 20:05
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