Hi, there, I believe MooSocial is still using CakePHP 2.x, right? To be honest, it's way overdue on upgrading the version. FYI, even CakePHP 3.x official support has endded while ago ...
Question - Is there away to create a public chat for all members? we have individual chats but a public chat would be awesome
Where can I find the header template to add some custom header scripts? I'm surprised there is not an option in admin for this as most scripts I have used have this function/option!
On my Theme on landing page, i have 3 round images.Question: How do i change the images ?I have looked in the sites Server and found the file locations for the images but i am not able to change th...
Hello everyone, i want my site to be having all contents such as music, radios, videos/movies, live tv and others which are already available on moosocial. Is it possible for video section ...
I would be happy if it were possible to display the last 5 activities in a slider in the Landing Theme Manager. It should be possible for the admin to select what may be displayed. And for the ...
Just purchased the moosocial, how can I access the admin panel account? the password credentials provided via email cannon work...
Theme: MooMommy Question: How do i change image ( get free baby gear worth up to $50! ) Many Thanks Mikel.
Is there a way to disable the ability to download videos in MooSocial? I have looked through all of the settings and I am not seeing any reference to to be able to disable that. Thanks in adva...