Browse Questions

  • If a user reports content two things come to mind.1. Is there a way for the system to automatically notify Admin that there is a report to be seen - rather than wait for us to go manually checking....

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    Guy Tibbert Basic on 12/20/21 at 13:50 in mooSocial features
  •     If I input a tag on a post then view the post, I can see all tags on the post, if I then click on one of the tags that is displayed it will search the site and display all with that tag.   ...

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    Daniel Fielden Basic on 10/30/21 at 16:56 in Other
  • Hi guys How do i create a random members, photos, videos, groups and blogs? Thanks  

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    Michael Zoldan Basic on 10/06/21 at 15:31 in mooSocial templates
  • In the photo sample provided the months are spelled out and wrapped and it looks bad. I would like to have the months in these areas abbreviated to their 3 letter abbreviations.   Jan Feb Mar ...

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    Daniel Fielden Basic on 09/26/21 at 12:23 in mooSocial plugins
  • You showed me what file/line to edit to make the Events Browse Page display events from newest to oldest.   However, I still need two more things done for this to work for us.   1.  Categories ...

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    Daniel Fielden Basic on 08/01/21 at 14:37 in mooSocial features
  • Here we go again.. Installed the plugin Feedback 1.8 All installed fine.  Followed the install steps.. Set permissions for /app/webroot/uploads/feedbacks to 777 Cleared the cache.   Cannot cre...

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    Daniel Fielden Basic on 07/08/21 at 18:08 in mooSocial plugins
  • I have 2 questions about the forums plugin..   Running Moosocial 3.1.4 and the most current forums plugin.   1. Plugin installed just fine, however,  I am unable to "Add New Forum Category"  T...

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    Daniel Fielden Basic on 07/06/21 at 11:00 in mooSocial plugins
  • Also another question: Events..  past events are being displayed oldest to newest..   Example:     Event 2010jan01 Even 2010Jan15 Event 2011 Event 2012 Event 2020 Event 2021jan01 Event ...

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    Daniel Fielden Basic on 07/02/21 at 11:44 in mooSocial features
  • Is there a way to import Moosocial Topics categories/message threads/commets into the forums plug in? 

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    Daniel Fielden Basic on 07/01/21 at 15:22 in mooSocial plugins
  • Hi all,   I created a new ads, it can be seen on mobile app but on browser version it can not displayed and look like below. I restarted services but it is still same, do u have any solution, id...

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    Bonuskg Basic on 05/21/21 at 05:46 in mooSocial features
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