Browse Questions

  • I am trying to stop my site from getting crawled by using the following meta tags.<meta name="robots" content="noindex" />In the WIKI its says these are set by the deafult.ctp reference file....

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    Brent Lucas Basic on 03/09/17 at 07:11 in mooSocial templates
  • Tell me please, what is this displayed at the end of the link?

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    skip Basic on 03/07/17 at 13:47 in mooSocial features
  • Tell me please, why the photo display (Share this link) is not complete and cuts photos to the floor. Will this issue be improved? In othe...

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    skip Basic on 03/07/17 at 13:39 in mooSocial features
  • Please tell me whether this bug in 2.6.0 will be fixed The string is visible half

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    skip Basic on 03/07/17 at 13:24 in mooSocial features
  • Please tell me why 2.0.6 does not work the function (Link Sharing) with the cyrillic domain

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    skip Basic on 03/07/17 at 13:18 in mooSocial features
  • Hello everybody! Tell me please, why (Link sharing) is displayed incorrectly This link in another soc...

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    skip Basic on 03/07/17 at 13:15 in mooSocial features
  • If there are 2 users online it will say 3 users online in the text but only show 2 users profiles. I have attached a picture showing the problem.

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    Shane Maguire Basic on 03/07/17 at 13:00 in Other
  • HI, What info is needed for the apps once purchased? How long does it take to create them? Costs of updating them when new plugins are purchased? When updates are made to the apps how is th...

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    Jack Mack Basic on 03/02/17 at 06:50 in Android app
  • When I try to view all messages by going to the url /home/index/tab:messages, the ajax is constantly redirecting in the background. How do I find the offending script? How exactly does the tab:<...

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    Reid Cardwell Basic on 03/01/17 at 15:51 in Other
  • I'd like to give guests the options of entering the site, and viewing the home page without having to register. How do I do this? Eg. I'll place a link "continue as Guest" which has a url like "/?g...

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    Bernd Hansen Basic on 03/01/17 at 12:25 in mooSocial features
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