Browse Questions

  • Hi, I filled in the form for Memcached and enabeled it , but still there are some issues with 'last online' the time stays same as registration time and the who is online widget is not acurate. ...

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    Sofie O Basic on 01/03/18 at 06:09 in Other
  • Can someone explain when the popular albums widget show up? I've added it on my main time line, but I don't see any album pics displayed (the complete widget is not displayed..). I have set that ...

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    ketkew Bronze badges on 03/10/18 at 05:54 in Other
  • Title says it really i am trying to find where and how i would add a background image to the default themes landing page.

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    Gavin Pedley Basic on 03/24/17 at 07:27 in Other
  • I performed a fresh install of 2.6.1, PHP7, Amazon s3. When I test the 'add a new event' function, the 'information' box disappears. It loads on page load, then disappears. Any ideas?

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    Russ de Ment Basic on 07/11/17 at 21:05 in Other
  • I would like to find out how to edit the sidebar menu "user menu", I need to change the link "Invite friends" so that it goes to the friends inviter plugin and not the default "invite friends".

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    Shane Maguire Basic on 11/14/16 at 12:51 in Other
  • We've tested this on multiple accounts. But unfortunately all we can see is friend's post or my post on home feed. Eventhough Default Home Feed is set to Everyone.

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    JM Basic on 02/17/17 at 00:33 in Other
  • Does anyone know if we can upload something from pinterest?

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    Nancy A McEntire Basic on 07/05/16 at 08:40 in Other
  • Question ... how do you format posts so that it doesn't bunch up everything? Example is below. When I wrote it, it had paragraphs but it comes out like this which makes it harder to read.

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    Jamez Frondeskias Basic on 12/28/18 at 03:45 in Other
  • Hello guys. My website is growing extremely fast. Last night I had official launch party of my website and people even came to party from abroad. When I ask to people what you don't like about the ...

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    Buğra Bodur Basic on 01/21/18 at 07:35 in Other
  • Hi I received a html code snippet and it works great on my site. <div style="font-size:28px; text-align:left; font-weight:normal; padding: 2px; margin:0; background:#ffc433;"> <cente...

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    VinnyS Basic on 01/18/18 at 13:44 in Other
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