Rename the "fullname" profile label

How do I rename the fullname label - I would rather it was called "username".
I would like to change this specifically on the "sign up" page and profile page.
I don't want my users to feel obliged to use their real names at the point of sign up and the "fullname" label is misleading.
mark Basic on 05/19/17 at 21:13 in mooSocial features
3 Answer(s)
Best answer
You can change or translate all texts in mooSocial script via .po file. Please see instructions in the below link
Please clear global cache in admincp after uploading new .po file, see attached screenshot below to know how to clear cache

Mark Gold badges on 05/19/17 at 21:51
Thanks Mark, great workaround!
mark Basic on 05/19/17 at 23:07
Ok, I am still a bit confused about the username vs full name functionality.
If I dont' want users to use full names (as full names are not unique - so it's difficult for search) what are my options with username?
Ultimately I want to be able to do 1 of these 2 solutions:
Option 1
1) How do I enable a unique username
2) How do I display username on the Profile pop up box / profile / edit profile etc
Option 2
How do I enable full name to be unique (as then i can rename it to username via translation)
mark Basic on 05/24/17 at 14:17
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