Has MooSocial thought about having a forum plugin?
It does not have to be fancy or complex. 
Have something like bbPress of WordPress bbPress
Show basic statics
- Forum List
- Show posts
- Show Threads
Allow admin to create forums and delete forums
The current addon Topics, in my opinion is not as useful as A forum addon.
Topics is like a Blog, but not really. But compared to a Forum, it falls short.
A forum on the other hand, can be very useful.
Comments (26)
And current topic ? he will disappear ? or this forum will be an additional plugin ?
Because the current topic, it does not miss much to make a forum, the change or the addition of some options, a change in the presentation and would already not bad, right ?
forum will be a plugin. We're working on it.
It would be beautiful to give to the users the chance to personalize a bit the forum interface, like change some colors and the page picture. Nothing comply and time wasting, only some simple changes to improve the sensation of uniqueness.
Anyway keep us up to date Mark on this interesting plugin!
Any updates on this? Is there a realistic expectation on a release date?
around next month for web only version.
why dont add a vbulletin/xenforo/IPB integration???
it's too complicated to manage two platforms. Should deal with only one. A big problem if you want to upgrade for both platforms.
I hope there is integration with vbulletin
Many of us would like to do so and a lot will leave vbulletin and go to Moosocial
Import users from vbulletin is more better than integration. We tried to integrate before it's very complicated to handle changes at both platforms.
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