Some feedback directly from our users to MooSocial team

Mark and team,
I feel obliged to share with you the feedback directly from our users.
We love MooSocial, so do most of our users.
But we are running into a bottleneck in user engagement.
We did an internal investigation and found out a few things for MooSocial team to address. None of which is related to new features. But they are crucial.
The No 1 reason people using a social media is to get information through engagement. Tasks critical to such engagement include content share and notification.
Improvements in these areas will make MooSocial truly stand out. The opportunities are obvious.
1) Notification leads to confusing and painful log in. 
One thing really cool about Facebook is that you can click on its notification, and you can get  to the related content. Give a try to the Facebook notification you will see it.
To MooSocial users, this is a pain. See what I just got as a user. Keep in mind, I am the site admin.
We estimated that 75% of our users dropped out or stopped using our site because of this pain point. No permission no permission no permission... A few times, they are leaving.
Yes, I understand all the security reasons etc. But driving users away is not the best way to maximize security isn't it? 
A good process should be: if one clicks from a registered email it is an auto login. 
We have requested customization to make it happen. It happened to some of the notifications. The improvement in user experience is obvious. Please make this a standard across the board for all notifications.
2) Share function difficult to use especially for mobile.
This is the comparison we did with mobile.
This is a partial comparison with desktop. What will take MooSocial site 4 steps, YouTube, FB only takes 1 click.
Moreover, FB and YouTube, the click gets you choices instantly. MooSocial will take up to 3 seconds to load the first middle step:
Being easy to share content is the life line to a social media site.
The gaps highlighted above is enough to convince people that MooSocial site is inferior in user experience.
Please address this as soon as you can. Investments to to this pain point will greatly help us. And give you a great return.
3) content sharing via notification needs to be easier for users
Engagement through email and notification is free SEO advertising money.
Facebook really focuses on its content share function. They are constantly making improvements in this area.
Take a look at how they share content via notification in email.
This is easy, simple and right to the point:
- a user does not have to do a sign in to his / her Facebook
- one click, the content is there.
- it is only this particular piece of content. So no confusion.
Now, let's take a look at MooSocial
- The user feels rejected by the community, because "no permission"
- then he / she is confused as he / she logs in, there is a long list of things, he / she gets lost.
We have seen a rapid decline in user engagement after being on site for about 1 week.
And seeing this user experience gap, we now know why. We need your help to resolve this. 
And I believe we are not alone.
Once this is addressed, it will go a very long way to let MooSocial sites shine. 
Many niche site like us have unique content. But now we are very afraid of posting and sharing such content. Because our users will always complain after we post such content, they are not accessible. They are getting very annoyed.
4) Newsletter
A Newsletter function will make it much easier for MooSocial developers to incorporate the Facebook like auto login etc. 
Right now, we copy user emails to Mailchimp to handle it. It is very expensive. Once our user size grows, Mailchimp cost will rise exponentially. (so is true with all other autoresponder providers.)
And the experience is sub par, because aa user can not have auto login etc with Mailchimp distributed links. 
If MooSocial has newsletter and can be integrated with Mandrill, Sendinblue, Sendgrid, or even Amazon SES, our cost will go significantly down and user experience so much better.
Posted in General Discussion on 08/18/17 at 14:54
Comments (2)
I agree with everything in here. Many times I feel like the moosocial team focuses on "new features" normally made by people who have only just purchased the product and don't even have a live site, not on fixing the bugs that experienced site owners are having to deal with on a daily basis.
Jing Gu  
Mark, this is why we love MooSocial, because your team is always listening and learning. The best feature is the old feature that is taken to the next level. In fact, MooSocial is in a very good position in that you can watch closely what FB and other social media is trying and pick and choose.

Closing gaps with FB will be an easy way to generate great returns.

These are not necessarily bugs. But FB and other social media platforms are constantly investing to improve their user experience. We...  more
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