mooSocial 3.1 version Roadmap

It’s time for a road-map! We know how much you look forward to new releases and in getting information for upcoming ones. Below are what we will add and improve in next version 3.1 based on suggestions from clients. 


New Features + Enhancements for both mobile apps and web


  1. Reply to a comment
  2. Improve member search page. Currently, it will use "OR" to search so that in some cases search result is not correctly. We will change it to "And".
  3. Profile type: can translate profile type.
  4. Add video upload limitation by user role (apply at main feed, photos and photo tab at groups plugin)
  5. Enable "Upload photos" when creating new topic/blog on mobile device
  6. Improve view photo theater mode - Allow member can back to the position he was after viewing/commenting on photos at theater mode.
  7. Close comment feature for post at activity feed, if the comment is closed for an activity, not one can comment on it.
  8. Add rotate left and right into edit/upload profile avatar
  9. Add "auto load more" into "pending join request" popup of restrict groups
  10. Pin post at feed (main feed, group and event)
  11. Enable subscription improvement: currently, If subscription module is enabled, existing members who have not subscribed to any packages before will be asked to select a package to continue using site. We will allow admin can assign all existing member to a default package so that they can continue using site without being asked.
  12. Section to manage all reports from members in admincp
  13. Site admin can copy categories from a module to another one
  14. Activity feed search 
  15. Set/Change default profile cover from admin
  16. Support smartphone emoji


Bug fixing


  1. Global search issue: Show warning message if the keyword contain special chars
  2. Cannot edit topic in groups in some cases.
  3. Deleted member still stays in group issue
  4. User can share item when he has not verified his email address
  5. Not auto add friend when a user is created from back end by admin
  6. When click on Edit topic of a topic in group, it does not go directly to edit topic page.
  7. Display weir text if full name include "&" character.
  8. Accept/ Delete respond friend request doesn't work well
  9. Selected language issue with not logged in user.
  10. Do not see "load more" at "pending join request" popup of restrict groups. It only shows a few members by default.
  11. Some photos cannot be uploaded when site is at development mode 2
  12. Member got invitation to join private event but can't access
  13. Admin login form translation issue
  14. Show 'Join request' at all groups when an user requests to join a group
  15. Hashtag function doesn't work well on topic
  16. Like/ Dislike icons are not highlighted when user made action already
  17. Show error when a user deactivated his/her account
  18. System doesn't display the friends only/ Only me videos on member profile page
  19. Discount info does not appear in subscription transaction details
  20. Can't parse image url

Timeline: Oct-2018. (It's changed to Nov-2018)

Posted in Announcements on 04/09/18 at 01:03
Comments (217)
I will wait for your help
Mark Kent Lam (mooSupport) I made the change in the database on a development website
I do not see a problem with the language
What do you think I can apply to my website too?
All of old posts in your language are still intact? If yes, you can apply for live. Make sure you make a backup of db first.
All old posts in my language remain intact, I have no problem anywhere
Newer with mobile apps
Mark Time is running too we walk at the pace of a turtle
I don't get your last message. Is everything okay and you already updated live site?
The mobile app does not see the answer to the comments, you said that applications are being updated
That's what I mean
Just wondering about 3.1.1. Mark ? Can we help testing maybe?
Mark ?? Any news please?
we're testing 3.1.1 here. Will keep you guys posted. The 3.1.1 and app 1.3 will be released at the same time.
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