Interesting features suggestions

Hello, MooDevs and MooFans,
Did I miss you? Finally I have some free time to suggest you some interesting features:
1. Hangouts for mobile apps - hangouts feature is developed by Couchsurfing app. The feature uses user location and shows list of users who are nearby. Users can send "hang out"request each other and they can meet in real live and hang out, or grab beers, ect.. That would be wonderful feature for Moo mobile apps. Moo, I believe you can make it! Check here
2. Send email when member get a private message on site with subject "User A, User B sent you a message! Check it here!" That would be more appealing that "summary notifications" emails. Moo, I know you will make it!
3. Footer of the basic theme. The basic theme is just perfect but something is missing... Would looks more professional with an nice footer. Moo, I know you never leave work on half, you should make it! 
4. Sign in with - My community has many members from Russia. Using VK for login would be great!
5. inspired theme - Moo, I think this is the only social network that hasn't inspired you yet Don't cheapen Russians, they rock!
6. Message notifications and encouragement - I don't get notifications when I receive a new message on website, neither on the mobile app.. Also I don't get push notifications for new messages on my app. That is a very serios problem that came with the new Moocial version 2.4.1. Moo, you should make it sure that members of our communities will never miss a private message!!! Also there should be more call to action options that encourage users to send private message each other. 
That's all for now
Posted in Feature Suggestions on 08/27/16 at 18:27
Comments (9)
Moo Fan  
Ryan Nguyen please pay attention of point 6 and point 1
Glad to hear from you again and thanks for suggestions!

2) will be ready at 2.5.0
3) will do but please explain about this point
6) will do that

1) seems take time to implement, will consider but it's not priority with us.

The rest will not added now as it's not too popular for all our clients. sorry about that.
Please give me more details about point 3, what is missing?
Moo Fan  
In the footer could be added social buttons for share and follow in social networks
Mark For point 6, particularly Push Notifications on mobile, was this implemented in a release? We are looking for another solution to google cloud messaging and something built in would be ideal.
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