Installing mooSocial without mod_rewrite

I know cakephp and I am following steps.

It seems to be I have mod_write issues. So I use cakephp method Configure::write('App.baseUrl', env('SCRIPT_NAME')); and delete all .htaccesss

But admin panel don't work when I am doing this.
Posted in General Discussion on 10/27/16 at 14:56
Comments (6)
Duy Duy (mooTechnicalTeam) Kent Lam (mooSupport) Mark

Can someone help me with this: I almost fixed the .htaccess bug it seems in HTTP CakePHP will add /app/webroot to the URL. How to get rid of that?

If I go to view-source:

I see

<meta property="og:url" content=""; />
<link rel="canonical" href=""; />


But in HTTP I get the right one without /app/webroot/ H...  more
Because of /app/webroot added to all url's it won't work I think
By the way I am using a shared hosting, so it must be done in .htaccess
Ryan Nguyen DirectorySlash Off don't work... Please help!
Our script requires "URL Rewriting" (For more information , you can check ) . In case you try to disable it by using "Configure::write('App.baseUrl', env('SCRIPT_NAME' ))" , we don't sure that our script works correctly .
I fixed it in index.php and overwrited all $_SERVER and $_ENV globals with clean URL.

But I have a new problem right now: how came minify is using unsecure http:// urls? I clear cache multiple times! And SSL is enabled in admin panel. But not worked, so I patched MinifyHelper.php with

foreach ($paths as $cssFile) {
$retFileNames .= '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/'.$cssFile.'">';
return $retFileNames;

But I want to use minify with https:// protocol for images such a...  more
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