Amazon S3

Would love to see integration into the core of Moosocial for Amazon related products, one being Amazon S3 storage. Giving the admin the option to have files directly uploaded to Amazon S3 to offload storage on personal server rather than just FTP.
  • Adding an additional option allowing you to setup a S3 server.
  • All original S3 image urls are hidden and set as private so they cannot be accessed directly.
  • Choose whether the S3 storage plugin is active or not.
    • Your AWS access key.
    • Your AWS secret key.
    • Your S3 storage bucket name.
Socialengine has it integrated and its a nifty thing.
Posted in Feature Suggestions on 11/03/16 at 09:54
Comments (4)
This would be a good solution indeed because it really helps if you community gets bigger and 1 dedicated server is not enough anymore to serve the content.
Yeah, I have personally used amazon s3 to scale storage and it takes a bit of the load off the server. Plus its an already integrated feature of socialengine as an example. Would love to see it as part of moosocial as well. These guys are taking it to the next lvl.
I keep getting this error
it's something related to server,you should check server log.
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