access denied, mobile apps

anyone else experienced constant access denied error since 2.5.0?
Posted in v2.5.0 Bug Reports on 12/18/16 at 15:42
Comments (11)
it is not just happening to me but am getting massive reports from members
I don't think this is a bug. ppl might be trying to access a content which they no longer have access to but previously did.
This is from my Super Admin account Ryan Nguyen. But, it is not limited to just me, there are many complaints about it.
It seems to be an issue that "comes and goes" but it was not an issue at all prior to the upgrade.
Which page were you trying access. Can you replicate the issue?
Any page, when it happens. I happened all day today, but our time difference go in the way. It gave me that error no matter what I clicked on, a group, a notification, a member profile, etc. That is also the complaint from everyone else. I can attempt to replicate it but again, it seem to come and go for no apparent reason. I do not use the mobile app much myself, but the majority of our members do.
Ryan Nguyen, I may have to do a support ticket, now myself along with others are getting this on the mobile app at random too. I gotta say, Everything was fine up until the upgrade. That upgrade makes everything run faster and fixed a few issue we were having that were minor but these headaches with the apps started after that.
Wow! I just noticed that when mobile gives this error on the app, the homepage on the site does not work properly on the PC browser as well. I have logged in as one of the users having trouble and it give me an issue on the PC browser as well.
Send us a support request and we will help looking into it. Thanks!
Ryan Nguyen, already have, as well as paid an invoice for you guys to help get the mobile apps compatible with 2.5.0. Hopefully this will resolve everything. As I said, we have been working find prior to the upgrade and the PC browser side is working great with 2.5.0.
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