Inactive Profiles

In order to keep our server resources optimized, it would be nice to have a way for admin to queue up a list of members who have not logged in for a [set] amount of time, for the purpose of removal.
How this should work:
Admin can send out mass email to the queued list of inactive profiles, informing them to login to their account by [date set by admin] if they wish to keep it. Those who log in to their account would automatically be removed from the deletion queue. Those who do not log in by [date set by admin], the profiles remaining in the deletion queue will be automatically deleted on that date. 
Posted in Feature Suggestions on 12/18/16 at 17:06
Comments (5)
tuan hoang check and let me know if we can add this into statistics plugin?
This would be a fantastic feature.
Still hoping to see this kind of VERY NECESSARY feature added.
Simple filter with purge system based on user login info in users panel integrated into core for future release?
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