French accents

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Posted in Pre 2.2.x Bug Reports on 08/26/14 at 06:03
Comments (17)
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Check See Description of topic Special charachters issue - for example español
@mooRyan, i attach some news screens, you can also look in my support tickets (they are still there), what ryan said about this problem, maybe it will give a track to settle it
Thanks! This is in queue to be looked into
Ok some more info ..
Some little thing I read on the net, so for what I understand:
This problem has something to do with the use of shorts tag, which are used in some part of moosocial.
It seems that one should not use them, it is not advisable even in the forum of cakephp, I have not really understand why.....I'm not a coder huh

So now I transfer a phpinfo.php file to serveur .. it says I use php 5.3.20.
At the line "short_open_tag" there wrote:
"On" to "Local Value" and "Off" for "Master Val...  more
It's because the text editor is escaping the text and then saving it in the database, while the text should not be escaped & saved, instead it should be escaped while being shown to user using the h() function. work around is to un-escape the 'body' field while saving it in DB. I guess putting a beforeSave() function in Topic model and doing the un-escape is a good hotfix.
^ Actually only for Topic section problem, not really sure about the other pages problem.
I hope this will definitely fix in the next version, I should be able to put the update without asking help from support: /
I suspect someting wrong during the updade proces, because i just create a member whit accents and there is no problem... when i have time I install a prior version, make some content and then update to last version to confirm what i say !
Any new about this ? you fixed it ?
I go to work, returns here tonight, have a nice day all
We only see the issue Xxx mentioned: "Check See Description of topic Special charachters issue - for example español" (and Blogs' description as well). Works fine with names and categories for now...
Good news, thank you, and for the other issue i wait the next update to see if it reproduces.
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