Splash/Landing Page

I would like to create a splash/landing page that looks similiar to attachement. A simple redesign of the current default theme landing page. 
1. Possibility to change the background image (even via ftp)
2. right side sign up
3. top - sign in
4. Left side - logo and the standard text - with bottom the links of footer and language switcher.
Anybody out there interested? Cost? Timeframe?
Posted in Developer on 02/10/17 at 09:12
Comments (3)
please dont post work of others people.
I know the script who u talk about.. but I know Ryan Nguyen and im sure him dont want copy others community style..
I think moosocial can have a better styles and better plugins without copy others work!!!
A splash page is a splash page. The default theme is no different in generic layout than say facebooks landing page. Just the content and context is different.
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