In group: Video Upload

Video Upload plugin Version 1.8 is release

Change log:

+ Compatible with 3.1.5
+ Compatible with MooApp 1.5
+ Fixed: vimeo updates api
+ Fixed: Video title special character issue
+ Allowed: upload the ts format video
+ Improved: full width of video on feed (applied for mobile application and mobile web)
+ Improved: coding logic
+ Supported: can select video file from safari
+ Improved: apply date time format of mooSocial platform
+ Improved: auto play video on feed (only support Android)


Please download a new version at

Comments (2)
Hi, I recently had the same problem after processing the video :
After a long wait to load video plus processing time,
I'm surprised the video can't be played

This problem persists from 2018

The component is installed according to Installation Guide
1 change permission to 555: app/webroot/ffmpeg all its subdirectories
2 ffmpeg path installed /opt/ffmpeg/ffmpeg in crontab about every 1 minute wget -qO- '' &&> /dev/null

more recently a message has ap...  more
the problem solved is everything at the server's memory limit
thank you for help Tan TT
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