Classifieds Plugin Version 1.6 is release

In group: Classifieds Plugin

Classifieds Plugin Version 1.6 is release

Change log:

+ Compatible with 3.1.5
+ Compatible with MooApp 1.5
+ Fixed - Bug show code when user share classified's post
+ Fixed - Expired "Classified" issue
+ Fixed - Coding logic
+ Fixed - Show error message when admin create a brands exist on database
+ Fixed - The classified Position on map is incorrect when user posts data with Romania language
+ Fixed - Can't translate field values
+ Fixed - Show all users have the same locations on map
+ Fixed - Classified map issue with mooSocial 3.1.6 core
+ Improved - Optimize image size
+ Improved - Classified fields
+ Improved - Apply 'Date time' format of mooSocial to plugin
+ Improved - Apply new share on app 1.5 to plugin
+ Improved - Allow users can add classified on Mobile App
+ Improved - Emoji for Description field
+ Added - Allow write review on Mobile App
+ Added - Apply 'Import Categories' feature to plugin
+ Added - Add sort for categories
+ Added - Show expire date of current package
+ Added - Add sold out status

Please download the new version at 

Posted in on 09/30/21 at 06:31
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