Change Default Cover Img of mooSocial

Change Cover Photo of mooSocial Using Ftp.
1. Open FTP client and log to your site
2. Go to this folder app\webroot\img
3. there is file cover.jpg. Replace this image with your image
Note: cover size should be 1080x288
Posted in How To on 04/12/16 at 04:00
Comments (5)
I already change it but nothing happen
You might want to "Clear Global Caches" and your browser's cache to see the changes.
Hi, I have tried to do this via both options: 1) updated cover.jpg in app\webroot\img & 2) updated cover.jpg in app\webroot\theme\dark\img

I have also updated the favicon.ico

I cleared both the global cache, my browser cache and my S3 cache.

However I still see the default cover.jpg image and the default favicon.ico.

I just checked in AWS S3 and the default images are still there - so I am trying a webroot sync.
So the webroot sync didn't seem to work however i uploaded it directly in S3 and that worked. The favicon is for some reason not there in S3 so I uploaded that - and that didn't work. There needs to be proper documentation for this as I am just shooting in the dark....
Ok just cleared my S3 cache and the favicon worked now... so that's good - however the lack of documentation is still troubling.
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