Digital Clock

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<BODY onLoad="KW_doClock()">

<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="border-collapse: collapse" bordercolor="#111111">
<p align="right">
<font color="#000000" size="3" face="Verdana">
<SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript" LANGUAGE="JavaScript">
Show current date

var mydate=new Date()
var year=mydate.getYear()
if (year<2000) year += (year < 1900) ? 1900 : 0
var daym=mydate.getDate()
var month=mydate.getMonth()
if (daym<10) daym="0"+daym
var ShowMonthArray=new
document.write(" "+daym+" "+ShowMonthArray[month]+" "+year+" ");
<p align="right">&nbsp;
<font color="#000000" size="3" face="Verdana">

<script language='JavaScript'>
// JavaScript Magic Live Clock Start
function class_clock(f,s,c,b,w,h,d,m,g,z) { //
this.o='<font style="color:'+c+'; font-family:'+f+'; font-size:'+s+'pt;">';
if (m==1) this.o+=0
var clock=new class_clock("Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif","11 px","#000000","#000000","50",0,1,0,0,0)
// 0,1,0,0,0,0 = AM/PM or nothing, leading zero for seconds, leading zero for hours (has to be 0 for 24H), adjust hours, adjust hours.
if (d.all || d.getElementById) {d.write('<span id="activeClock" style="width:'+clock.w+'px; "></span>'); }
else if (d.layers) {d.write('<ilayer id="wrapClock"><layer width="'+clock.w+'" id="activeClock"></layer></ilayer>'); }
else {KW_doClock(1);}
function KW_doClock(a) { //
d=document;t=new Date();p="";dClock=""; if (d.layers) d.wrapClock.visibility="show";
h=t.getHours();m=t.getMinutes();s=t.getSeconds();if (clock.h)
{p=(h>11)?"PM":"AM";h=(h>12)?h-12:h;h=(h==0)?12:h;}if (clock.d)
{m=(m<=9)?"0"+m:m; s=(s<=9)?"0"+s:s;} dClock = clock.o+h+':'+m+':'+s+' '+p+'</font>';
if (a) {d.write(dClock);}if (d.layers) {wc = document.wrapClock;lc = wc.document.activeClock;
} else if (d.all) { activeClock.innerHTML = dClock;
} else if (d.getElementById) {d.getElementById("activeClock").innerHTML = dClock;}
if (!a) setTimeout("KW_doClock()",1000);



Posted in on 02/08/18 at 10:19
Comments (7)
Nice GeorgiosT nice script a little long but it looks like its from scratch, if you want more diversity with your clocks I did put a site all about clocks and it offers analog and digital clocks. Check it out let me know what you think....
Yes I've seen it, what I put does not contain links to other websites
Yes you are correct however I do not mine that... Besides the clock look cool....
My friend, the clock, we put it on, to see the time, if we wanted something beautiful, we would put flowers
Does it show the date and time of the member's time zone? Or is it just one time zone that everyone will see? In other words, does it detect the logged in user's location and adjust to the date and time of that member's location?
Secondly, does it come in English?
Mike Reynolds Yes, change the months in English

That's what I do not know to tell you, try it
the date and time of that member's location
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