Pre 2.2.x Bug Reports

Last posted by Mark on 05/20/15 at 21:10
The thumbnails on youtube videos dont show, instead there is a link to video, probably because of the new 3.0 api on...
Last posted by Nicky Liberty on 03/30/15 at 17:12
1) BLOGS; when you copy and paste text into a blog, it does not show up all the way accross; it cuts off on the right side - the width of the text does not adjust and its partially out of view. 2)...
Last posted by Kent Lam (mooSupport) on 11/09/14 at 21:19
Video thumbnail can not be clicked... Users must click Video title, it's not comfortable.
Last posted by seretmi on 11/05/14 at 14:42
hi I have a problemplease look to the pictureandI could not find the cause of this problem.I really appreciate your feedback
Last posted by Ryan Nguyen on 10/07/14 at 04:23
I can not upload big file size images in my site. I asked the hosting provider - they told me the issue is the script. Max File Size limit is 128 MB... Script works properly with small size...
Last posted by Mike on 09/17/14 at 18:42
Hi, a picture is worth a thousand discour :)
Last posted by Ryan Nguyen on 08/27/14 at 04:23
I tried to make Bulk Email announcement with links, but URLs are not clickable. When users get the newsletter they can not clik the URLS...
Last posted by Moo Fan on 08/27/14 at 03:41
Do not show my online status is ON, but Online button on the profile still exsist! :)
Last posted by Ryan Nguyen on 08/05/14 at 00:26
i installed the Spam Challenge, with question and answer. I activated it. but it does not work. there is no question while the registation process.
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